Saturday, 1 August 2015

Tick Tock

  It’s my last week here. Living in Copenhagen for the past 7 weeks has been surreal .I eternally oscillate between feeling like I’ve been here forever and feeling like I haven’t been here at all.I’ve developed a routine,have a list of favorite haunts and also bike with the confidence of a Dane.I now am struggling with the fact that I leave in a few days.
I’m trying to see as much as I can these last few days. While I let my bicycle sleep for the past two weeks while I was in studio, I made up for it right after I got done with the final presentation. I biked to the red plaza and the superkilen. It didn’t look as impressive as it did in the photos but it was nice to sit on the grass and muse for a bit.While biking back towards Skindergade, I stumbled upon Assistens cemetery. It was profoundly beautiful. I felt like I was in a fairytale forest, with little clouds of cotton sprinkled around on the grass and little trails snaking their way in between the shrubs.
I will miss so many things about Copenhagen- It’s parks, the colourful houses,even its infuriatingly indecisive weather. I will miss the many friends I’ve made at DIS- My suite mates Leila and Melissa have already started planning a reunion in New York. In such a short time, we’ve all become used to living together and sharing our stories every day.

The last seven weeks are now a blur of sights and sounds-the street musicians and performers, drunken laughter from Hive,late night Netto runs, sudden showers, the scratches on my studio desk, cycling through cobblestone streets and this list goes on. My stay at Copenhagen will be a happy memory that I can look back on. Although I’m looking forward to going home where the city doesn’t shut down at 5, I hope I can come back someday.

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